What is resilience?

Resilience is having the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It enables you to be happy and successful again after something difficult has happened. Resilient people are not only able to effectively handle a crisis at the moment but they are also able to recover and get back on their feet more quickly.

According to Genie Joseph, M.F.A., adjunct professor at Chaminade University in Hawaii, and the creator of the Act Resilient program, there are three basic types of resilience.

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This is the resilience you are born with that comes naturally. An example is in young children, under the age of seven who typically have an abundant and inspiring approach to life.

This occurs when challenging circumstances force you to learn and change and adapt.

This is learned resilience. You can learn techniques that build resilience and as a result, restore the natural resilience you had as a child.

We all have the capability to learn resilience

Building your resilience can strengthen your coping mechanisms through tough periods of life or everyday stressors, which may result in poor mental health. 

Regardless of your current mental health state, building your resilience can provide you with the right tools to overcome challenges and cope with the ups and downs of life. Life is not always straightforward and we have to be prepared to ebb and flow with its twists and turns. This means feeling our feelings, being kind to ourselves, and learning to bounce back after trying times.


This video can help you on your journey to resilience.