If you want to find out more information about bursaries and scholarships these are usually published on a school/sixth form or college website. They can differ between colleges so its worth while researching the different services available.  You can also contact the institution directly for more information.  

You can browse the available disability bursaries in local institutions via our page: 

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This is a government fund which: 

Pays a bursary of up to £1,200 a year to support young people who are in one of the defined vulnerable groups, for example care leavers and those receiving certain benefits such as Income Support or Disability Living Allowance, to enable them to take part in education.

Allows colleges to pay discretionary awards to young people they assess as needing financial help to stay in education. This is designed to cover costs such as transport, meals, books or course-related equipment.

Both types of bursary are administered through the education or training provider. Students can apply as soon as they know where they will be studying or training. This scheme applies to students in England – different schemes apply in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 


Additional financial help is available to certain groups, for example:

  • If families receive certain benefits their child may be eligible for free meals.
  • The Care to Learn scheme provides help with childcare costs for young parents in education.
  • Dance and Drama Awards help children from lower income families to cover the costs of attending private dance and drama schools.

Families' Finances

Families will still be able to claim Child Benefit and, if they are entitled to it, Child Tax Credit, for their child if they are under 20, living at home and in approved education or training. For full eligibility details for your student’s parents, direct them to: www.gov.uk/childcareparenting/financial-help-if-you-have-children