Future Focus
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Education Providers
Options at 14 (Level 1 & 2)
Your Options
Getting Help
Thinking about Careers
Useful Links
Options at 16 (Level 3)
Why study after 16?
What help can I get in choosing my options?
What are my options at 16?
Opportunities at 16
A-Level & AS Levels
International Baccalaureate
Vocational Qualifications
Technical Qualifications (NVQs, City & Guilds)
T Levels
Other Alternative routes
Traineeships & Work
Applying to Sixth Form or College
What funding support is available?
Where do I go to for advice?
What do I do if I don’t get the grades I was hoping for?
Useful Links
Options at 18 (Level 4+)
Why study after 18?
What are my choices?
Opportunities at 18
HE at FE College
Access vs Foundation Courses
Vocational/Technical Qualifications
Armed Forces
Straight to work
Gap Year & Travelling
Studying Abroad
Student Finance: What you need to know
What if my grades are not what I expected?
What if I have changed my mind?
Where do I go to for advice?
Useful Links
Course Finder
Careers & Employability
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Information for Care Experienced Learners
Information for BAME Learners
Jargon Buster
Lincolnshire Institute of Technology
Information for Learners from Armed Forces Families
Information for Students with a Disability
Get the Jump: 'Skills for Life' Toolkit
Information for Estranged Students
Student Voice
Student Finance Guidance
Options at 14 (Level 1 & 2)
Your child's options
Getting Help
Helping them think about their future careers
Useful Links
Options at 16 (Level 3)
Why should my child study after 16?
How can I help them with their options?
What are my childs options at 16?
Opportunities at 16
A-Level & AS Levels
International Baccalaureate
Vocational Qualifications
Technical Qualifications (NVQs, City & Guides)
T Levels
Other Alternative routes
Traineeships & Work
Applying to Sixth Form or College
What funding support is available?
Where do I go to for advice?
What do we do if our child doesn’t get the grades required?
Useful Links
Options at 18 (Level 4+)
Why should my child study after 18?
What are their choices?
Opportunities at 18
HE at Further Education College
Access vs Foundation Courses
Vocational/Technical Qualifications
Armed Forces
Straight to work
Gap Year & Travelling
Finance: What you need to know
What if my child's grades are not what they expected?
What if they change their mind?
Where do we go to for advice?
Useful Links
Course Finder
Supporting BAME Learners
Careers & Employability
Supporting Care Experienced Learners
Supporting SEND Learners
Supporting Learners From Armed Forces Families
Parent & Carer Videos
Our LiNCHigher Live Webinar Series
Lincolnshire Institute of Technology
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Options at 14 (Level 1 & 2)
Their Options
Giving them Help
Helping them think about their Careers
Useful Links
Options at 16 (Level 3)
Why they should study after 16?
Helping them choose their options
What are their options at 16?
Opportunities at 16
A-Level & AS Levels
International Baccalaureate
Vocational Qualifications
Technical Qualifications (NVQs, City & Guides)
T Levels
Other Alternative routes
Traineeships & Work
Applying to Sixth Form or College
What funding support is available for learners?
Where should they go to for advice?
How do I help my students if they don’t get the grades they were hoping for?
Useful Links
Options at 18 (Level 4+)
Why your students should study after 18
What are their choices?
Opportunities at 18
HE at Further Education College
Access vs Foundation Courses
Vocational/Technical Qualifications
Armed Forces
Straight to work
Gap Year & Travelling
Student Finance: What you need to know
What if their grades are not what they expected?
What if they change their mind?
Where do they go to for advice?
Useful Links
School/College FAQ
Course Finder
Careers & Employability
Supporting BAME Learners
Supporting Care Experienced Leaners
Supporting Learners From Armed Forces Families
Supporting SEND Learners
Supporting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Learners
CPD & Professional Development
Student Mental Health
LiNCHigher Awards
Useful Links for Career Leads in schools
Our 'LiNCHigher Live' Webinar Series
Lincolnshire and East Midlands SCiP Alliance Hub
Greater Lincolnshire LEP Gatsby Benchmark Support
Thriving Lives Teacher CPD Event Series
Lincolnshire Institute of Technology
Mental Health and Wellbeing
LiNCHigher Programme Feedback
Supporting Estranged Students
Contact Us
All Resources
Job Focus: Barber
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