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Non-Applicant Support

August 1, 2022 - August 1, 2023 | Variable Times

Various Providers

Year 13 Level 2/College General HE/FE Information Specialist Area Careers/World of Work Higher Education University Apprenticeships Careers Choose Know Grow

We are committed to supporting your final year students who may be less sure of what they want to do after their Further Education.

We often refer to these students as ‘non-applicants’, or students who haven’t yet applied to Higher Education. However, they could also be students who have applied, but who are also still unsure of what they would like their final decision to be!

We are passionate about supporting any of these students with navigating their next steps. This is because we want to ensure that students are making positive transitions and progressing onto their chosen next steps. 


  • Depends on support required
  • Any non-applicant
  • In-Person or Virtual
  • Most effective when delivered between January and April

For more activities like this, check our upcoming activities.