All Future Focus Programme Resources

Career Management using Social Media

Year 12 Year 13 Careers/World of Work Apprenticeships Young Carers Skills Know Understand Benchmark 3 Benchmark 7 Explore Manage

Career Management using Social Media (40 - 50 mins)

For learners to understand how they can harness social media to help manage their career.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson learners should be able to:

  • Understand the history of how social media has changed labour market processes 
  • Understand what makes a strong professional online presence 
  • Have made a start on their own LinkedIn profile




  • Lesson Plan
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Access to individual computers/phones
  • Worksheet x 1

Prior to making these resources available, schools will need a to provide a signed Data Sharing Agreement and student cohort data (documents and support to complete will be provided to schools on receipt of the resource request). Registers of students who participated in the lesson to be returned to LiNCHigher within 1 week of the lesson taking place. This is to enable reporting of student engagement with the Uni Connect project regulators, the Office for Students. 

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The date resources are to be delivered in school (if applicable).

For more like this, check out our Future Focus Programme Resources.