Winter Bingo Card: Wellbeing and study inspiration
The upcoming winter break is the perfect time to recharge and set yourself up for success in your studies and future plans. Whether you’re in school or thinking about university, try these activities to balance wellbeing and academic growth.

Download/print the bingo card here.
Bingo Activities
1. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
Reconnect with a teacher, mentor, or family member who inspires you.
2. Explore future career choices
Research careers related to the subjects you enjoy at school.
3. Go for a long walk in nature
Take a study break and reflect on your goals for the new term.
4. Bake a cake
Channel your creativity with a fun recipe, perfect practice for cooking at university!
5. Decorate your house
Personalise your space, just like you’ll do if you have your own university room.
6. Buy or make a gift for someone
Show kindness, it’s a skill valued in both life and leadership roles.
7. Watch a Christmas film you’ve never seen before
Choose a movie about overcoming challenges, it might inspire your studies.
8. Look at university courses
Start shortlisting universities and courses that match your interests and grades.
9. Meet up with friends
Discuss future plans, revision tips, or study together to stay motivated.
10. Try a new hobby
Experiment with skills that could enhance your CV or university applications.
11. Go to a university or college open day
Check out virtual or in-person events to explore your options.
12. Sign up to our newsletter
Stay informed about opportunities, advice, and events to help with your next steps. Sign up to our termly updates newsletter here or subscribe to our brand new 'In the loop with LiNCHigher' LinkedIn newsletter here.
13. Research gap years or studying abroad
Learn how taking time out could benefit your future studies.
14. Look at apprenticeships
Discover alternative routes to gain qualifications and work experience. Check out our work experience spotlight series here.
15. Visit somewhere you’ve never been to before
Explore local universities, libraries, or study-friendly cafés for a new perspective.
16. Take a look at our wellbeing toolkit
Use tips to manage stress and prepare for a successful new term. Find it here.
How many can you tick off? Challenge yourself to complete the bingo card and get ahead for 2024!
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