The Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance is a partnership of organisations focused on improving outcomes for children from military families. It is hosted by the University of Winchester and supported by the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

The SCiP Alliance's vision:
Thriving lives for Service children

The SCiP Alliance’s Mission:
Support education practitioners to champion the progression of the children of military personnel, so that they can make informed and confident transitions through further and higher education into thriving adult lives and careers.

The SCiP Alliance pursues this vision and mission by leading collaborative work to develop a robust evidence base, connect and support practitioners and influence the policy environment.

The SCiP Alliance is working to

1) Establish and sustain an alliance of stakeholder organisations across the UK to support the progression of Service children into thriving adult lives and careers;

2) Develop an effective research and practice hub network that enables the continuous improvement of practitioners’ work with and for Service children’s education and progression in local contexts; and

3) Lead a research and knowledge exchange unit to drive improvements in understanding, evidence and impact focused on Service children’s outcomes.

Over an initial three-year funding period to August 2019, the SCiP Alliance:

  • Established itself as the ‘go-to’ online source of support for education practitioners and leaders supporting Service children’s progression into and through further and higher education;
  • Created an online bank of resources for effective practice including:
    • Policy information relating to Service children’s education,
    • Research and evidence identifying the scale and scope of needs both nationally and locally, as well as what works in improving progression into and through further and higher education,
    • Effective practice resources including guidance, case studies and materials;
  • Became an established voice for Service children and those working to support their success – speaking from a strong evidence and representative stakeholder base to policy-makers and influencers.

The Lincolnshire and East Midlands Hub is led by LiNCHigher. If you wish to discuss anything regarding SCiP Alliance, please email

The Hub, launched in October 2020, brings together partners across the region to support Service children and their families to progress within education and make informed decisions on their future. 


The SCiP Alliance Website