LAGAT College is an organisation that delivers training, education and support for both young and adult individuals. Therefore taking them to the next steps of their learning journey and future career.

The college was established in 1987. Our services have been developed to meet the local needs of businesses, schools and third sector organisations.

Over the last 32 years, we have has educated and trained hundreds of thousands of young and adult people. We have seen its delivery offer expand and changed to meet the labour market needs.

At LAGAT College we pride ourselves on our strong commitment to our learners, employers and local partners. Working hard to ensure our facilities offer a caring, secure and supportive place to both learners and staff.

We have a 92% EPA success rate for the new Apprenticeship Standards, with 69% of these being distinctions. The college hopes to carry on this success rate into the future with many more learners!

This is just one of the many reasons people choose LAGAT College and become part of our ethos of delivering an outstanding service to all.


The LAGAT Website