Help and Support Resources

We've brought together a wide range of information that you may find helpful. There are many online and local resources and programmes which are updated regularly.

Emergency or Crisis Contact Information

If you find yourself in an emergency situation, or you are in crisis and you need urgent assistance, the following services can provide support & advice:


If your life or someone else's is at immediate risk, call 999 or, if you are able to, go to your local A&E department. If you are based in Lincoln, your closest A&E department is based at Lincoln County Hospital


Ring your GP and ask for an emergency appointment


Call the Samaritans FREE on 116 123


Text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 support from a trained volunteer

NHS Mental Health Helpline- 0800 001 4331


NHS Single Point of Access- 0303 123 4000 - explain to the call taker that you need to speak to someone about your mental health


Call NHS 111 (option 2 for mental health) for non-urgent health concerns or 999 for emergencies


For Police services call 101 (non-urgent) or 999 in an emergency


NHS Recovery College

The NHS Recovery College has a range of free (currently online) mental health and wellbeing courses for those over 16+ years 

NHS Recovery College

  • Meddwl is a place to get mental health support and information – all through the medium of Welsh.
  • Mind charity provide information and brief guides to managing and getting support for a wide range of mental health issues, including an A-Z of Mental Health.
  • Togetherall

Togetherall provides resources for: Emotional health; Life skills; Relationships; Home and family; Work and study; Violence, abuse and bullying; Sex and sexuality; Health and lifestyle. Please visit

For more information on Togetherall's 'Talkabouts’ (connecting with the Togetherall community) and 'Bricks' (creating bricks to share how you feel), please visit:

Togetherall Community Platform 


Student Minds

Student Minds is a mental health charity that works with students to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.

For more information on transitioning to Higher Education, wellbeing, student finance, coping with student life, and similar matters, please visit 


NHS Student Health

NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.

Visit the following link

NHS Live Well


You'll find more NHS resources below, look for Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources!




  • AMOSSHE Resources AMOSSHE works to develop wellbeing practices in Higher Education Student Services across the UK. To find resources on mindfulness, meditation, mindset, and motivation


Alcohol and Drug Use Support

Turning Point: Drug and Alcohol Services - 


We Are With You - 

Talk to Frank -

Drink aware -


Rehab4Addiction - rehab4addiction


NHS Drug Addiction - Live Well Addiction Support


Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

NHS Service Finder - 



Group Support




  • CONNECT have partnered with The Foundation for Positive Mental Health to provide free access to the Feeling Good App for all staff and students. The app teaches you how to calm your mind and develop a positive mindset, enabling greater emotional resilience to deal more effectively with challenges of everyday life.
  • Headspace provides a mindfulness mobile phone app where you can access a free 10 day programme of mindfulness audio guides. Headspace is free for Students with Spotify Premium.



Papyrus - 


SANEline - 


Suicide Prevention UK - 


Campaign Against Living Miserably - 

Nightline - 


Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline - 


C.A.L.L. - 


Abortion Talk -