Week 33


In this week’s task, we will be looking at careers and how you can identify what the right career route is for you!

weeks To
Higher Education

A career means the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, with opportunities to progress. There is no such thing as a job for life anymore, ups and downs in your career path will cause you to take different routes and change direction in your career journey. This is normal for most people, the important thing is that you continue to learn and grow. Within Lincolnshire there are six priority work sectors, these are; Agrifood, Manufacturing, Visitor Economy, Low Carbon, Health and Social Care and Ports and Logistics. These are some areas you could begin taking a look at to kickstart your career journey.

On the other hand, volunteering is the perfect way to gain that all-important experience and see what you enjoy most or to widen your network of friends. Who knows? You may be volunteering alongside someone who can help you with your future career!

Tasks for this week

For this week’s task, you can complete the Let’s Talk Careers with John Ambrose of Complete Careers workshop on LiNCHigher Learning. The workshop is designed to give you career advice and guidance. Watch the video linked below as an introduction to the workshop, and then complete the following video and the workbook that goes alongside the workshop.

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